Friday, March 25, 2011

Vintage Myspace Profiles

Years ago there was a social networking site called myspace. It was kinda like a colorful, badly-coded facebook. If you go down the dusty servers that house myspace today you'll find a dried-out husk of a site, populated by bands, artists and the occasional lost dog. But it had the opportunity to be as big as facebook. Tom politely declined this offer. One positive to myspace was, early on it was possible to create numerous profiles using any sort of email address (at a time when facebook only "liked" school addresses). Because of this, I ended up with 27 myspace profiles. Business Dan'l, Casual Dan'l, Business Casual Dan'l, Crazy, Sexy and Cool Dan'l, Sporty, Posh and Baby Dan'l, Gay Dan'l and even a profile of me as a woman. My friend and occasional enemy Leann created 16 of these profiles for me for Christ's Mass in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Six. A couple of fan profiles popped up later, including "Man'l" the machoest Dan'l of them all. Also, I don't know how The UnDan'l was on myspace 2 years before I ever joined with my original profile, Dan'l New'll. I find that to be one of myspace's greatest mysteries. I think UnDan'l was created by someone else, who I believe was located in Atlanta. But somehow I obtained the password for this profile and commandeered it. I love commandeering.

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