Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tired once more of mowing the yard, and refusing to get sheep again (after numerous citations from the city for having livestock within the city limits), Rodgey decided to turn the yard into a pumpkin patch. He said we would sell them when Halloweentime came. He promptly forgot about that idea shortly after planting the seeds.

After giving a few pumpkins away, I brought the rest of them into the kitchen and made a pile (as I often do with things). When the above picture was taken, many of the pumpkins had started to...age.

And then punkin parts started going missing. My thoughts at the time: "a... rat... has been eating them. at least, we think it is a rat. really, right now, we're hoping it's a rat. if it's not a rat, we've got a problem larger than a rat. dear god, let it be a rat."

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