Friday, March 25, 2011

Vintage Kroger Unsweetened Orange Juice

Local foodstore Dillon's discontinued their sale of this delightfully grapefruity drink by putting it on sale. 99 cents for 1.7 liters of orange juice? Now I don't care how much I dislike the metric system, I'm still going to go for that kinda deal. And that price, 99 cents, I think that's the price that stores put stuff at to make me buy it. Just thinking about the hypothetical 99 cent stuff I mentioned in the previous sentence gets my brain wondering, "Ooo... do I need summa whatever that is?"

After I learned this product was being discontinued to death I decided to buy all of it, from the 7 stores around town. I ended up with $80 worth of product, and, we'll say about 80 cans of the unsweetened in my possession.

Also, I love a premeditated backdrop.

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