Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Personalized Shoe Laces

The gift shop at the old Springfield-Branson Regional Airport was good for one thing: personalized shoe laces. It was great for another thing: personalized watches. Maybe this blog should be about personalized items in general. No, I think I'll save that. One set of shoe laces reads "Daniel", and the other reads the rarely-used "Danny". This shoe lace collection was photographed with a nice yo-yo backdrop.


In middle junior high school, I began a series of collections that would turn into junior-high-wide fads that everyone got involved in. Even teachers. Even guidance counselors. The first of these was yo-yo's. Where are these yo-yo's today? I don't know. No, they have done the way of so much lost stuff, to wait for us in that nowhere place where every forgotten thought and thing is.

Other Junior High collection fads I started included Pez Dispensers and... bubble accessories.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stolen Soup Spoons

I love stolen anything. Stolen traffic signs, stolen copyrighted photographs, stolen kisses from the Hershey Factory in Pennsylvania... All of it.