Monday, August 22, 2011

Junk Mail

Anyone has the potential to have as much junk mail as me. They just have to put the effort (or lack of effort) into letting it amass.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Vintage Ninja Turtle Pillow Cases

Forget about the foot in the foreground. This picture is about the fantastic pillow cases I have, which were not purchased together. One was from a garage sale, and one my mom got some place I don't know. Probably a garage sale.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Before he was known as a bitter hall-of-fame inductee, Michael Jordan was considered the most prolific spokesperson of the 90s and mid 90s. Neither of these pairs of shoes are remakes, and neither of them get worn outside. Think of the fun that is, wearing another pair out to the car, and carrying these until I'm at a place safe to walk in them. I'd never wear them if I had the slightest inkling I'd be near a crowd. I love inklings.


I brought out all the right shoes for this one. This particular post has been causing a lot of excitement in my head. It just has so much to offer. Several pairs of adidas superstars, a couple pair of Jordans, an odd adidas hiking shoe with somewhat of a built-in spur, Clifford slippers I got my mom for Christmas and then acquisitioned, running shoes, some Nike Cortez, Chucks, Army boots and a bowling shoe.

Drawing Books

While not extremely exciting, or even mildly or at all exciting, I feel like this picture of the covers of all my drawing books to date will come in useful some day. 

Running Shoes

A fair post. It's evident that at least a little effort went into making this one. It's not entertaining at all though. And that's a major problem. Maybe I should throw in the word "vintage" to make things nicer.