Monday, June 27, 2011

Misprints of my last name

Many of these misspellings are my fault. For the tux rental, I told the business that my last name was Nee-well. For the one-hour photo, I believe I confused them by giving the spelling as "N-E-double u-e-double L." I take no responsibility for Mewell, or Neweu. Neweu doesn't look like it could possibly be someone's last name. Thanks!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

John Art

My roommate John acquired this art a while back when the neighbor below him died. That same neighbor got the bomb squad called on him one time. Or started a fire or maybe parked too close to a hydrant, I dunno. 

Friday, June 17, 2011


Much of this collection was made possible by a generous gift from the East Valley YMCA and some chick named Emily. All four of the Cox Health Systems pens are inoperable, and were made that way. Having ink pens close at hand is an important part of my life as a writer and ink pen hoarder.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gay T-shirts

In high school I used to think it was extremely funny to wear boyband tshirts. I had a couple of 98 Degrees shirts, Ricky Martin, Hanson. Later I thought it would be funny to dye my hair in rainbow streaks. I always thought it would be really funny to have sex with a dude. I haven't yet followed through on that joke.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sheet Music

"Vocal Selections From..." is the favorite phrase to use in cover art by the designers of Musical Theatre Sheet Music Books. Why Am I Capitalizing Everything? I Don'T Know. This Is Not My Collection. It Belongs To Ashley Cuellar.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Jerseys

This represents 8 years of intramural basketball here. With over 32 games played, I am the all-time leader in intramural games at Missouri State UniversityAnd two of the shirts are from high school parkboard ball.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blue NBA Jerseys

These jerseys are nearly vintage. I purchased them to wear for Earth Monster Basketball games. Blue seemed like the easiest color to collect. Even though that meant an Iverson and a Garnett jersey. (Not Pictured: Dwayne Wade's jersey).

Friday, June 3, 2011

Superhero T-Shirts

They don't make a logo tshirt for my favorite superhero, Aquaman. So I made one myself out of a long-sleeve orange tshirt and green gauntlets. This collection has been amassed over several years. Iron man is a cool shirt. I've pretty much worn the life out of Captain America. The grey unrecognizable shirt beside the Green Lantern is another Green Lantern Shirt. I guess I'll do like they do in class pictures. Front Row left to right: Captain America, Fantastic 4, Bizarro, The Punisher. 2nd Row left to right: Iron Man, Velvet Superman, Spiderman, Green Lantern, Green Lantern. Back Row: Batman, Justice League, Superman. (Not pictured here: The Flash)

And here I'm in an aquaman shirt, beside a dude in a dress.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Webcam Pictures of Myself

A logical next step. After getting a webcam, of course I would amass pictures of myself. Interesting thing about me, or perhaps this is uninteresting, I spend most of my time during skype sessions staring at myself. My favorite of these pictures is the one with the slice of bread in the mouth.