Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Irregularly Shaped YMCA Basketballs

These balls have late-stage tumors and are probably not long for this world. But for now, they make dribbling fun! I'm going to do every little thing in my power to keep them from being thrown away as long as I can. If that includes making them part of holiday decorations, so be it. Giant Easter eggs!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Mostly cow bones. Though Rodgey found a bag of deer parts on the side of the road and brought them home. Like a dog. Like a dog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Merry's Magnets

Not my magnets. Merry's magnets. A lota nice magnets. I might've broken one of them.


It's shovels. It's various shovels. With a broomstickertwo. I've found about 7 more shovels and shovel parts since this picture was taken.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Found Driver's Licenses

Found Driver's Licenses. I've always been hesitant to keep a woman's driver's license, should I find it on the floor or the outside floor (ground). Men's I have never had a problem with and in fact treasure. Zebulon J. Meyers has been one of my favorite secondary driver's licenses and aliases since I was a teenager.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rodgey's Cheap Eyeglasses

He buys in bulk so that he can afford to lose each pair a day after purchase. Many of them would appear to be women's glasses.